Hair systems recommended for young people

by Drinktowind on Aug 12, 2020 Diabetes 552 Views


When young people choose a hair system, what styles are recommended? Today we are going to share with you our expert's opinion on this.

When it comes to choosing a hair system, what's the difference between young people and old people? The two most important factors are the hair density and hair color.

Hair Density


For young people, actually they can choose any of these densities from 50% to 180%. First, choosing thick hair or thin hair is more a personal preference thing. If you like thick hair, then choose high density hair. If you like thin hair, then choose low density. Especially when you just start to wear a hair system, people prefer to choose a low density first and gradually increase to higher density. In this way, it is easier for them to accept the hair look. It is a big change from no hair to having hair after all. So a gradual hair density change is a route most of people choose to take.

When you are in the stage of getting used to wearing a hair system, for young people, 130% density hair is mostly chosen. It is a just right density. So which styles that LaVivid offers are specially designed for young people?

Breathable Hair Units for Young People

Hair Color

For young people, you can try whatever color you like from black, brown to blonde or even highlighted colors. For normal colors, we have around 64 colors in stock for your choice. For those complex colors like mixed, highlighted colors, we can customize for you.

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