How to Measure Turbidity in Water?

by Belinda Rahme Barakat on Feb 22, 2021 Finance 421 Views


Turbidity is one of the qualities of water. The first thing we notice in water is how cloudy or clear is it. In fact, it is an important indicator of the amount of suspended Turbidity is the sedimentation in the water. Suspended materials in water such as silt, clay, algae and other sediments can all affect the water clarity and cause turbidity. The sediments that cause turbidity can carry contaminants and pathogens, such as, mercury, lead, and bacteria, affecting people who use the water. That’s why it is important to check the turbidity level of the water, especially if you are into water treatment. Turbidity is measured by evaluating the amount of light scattered in water. It can be done with accurate and advanced turbidity monitors like TurBiScat.

What causes turbidity?

Turbidity in liquids is caused by various factors. Organisms like phytoplankton can contribute to turbidity in open water and erosion, and effluent from urbanised zones can all contribute to the turbidity of water in those areas. In addition to it, mining, agriculture, and construction work can all disturb the soil, leading to raised levels of turbidity levels of sediments in the water. Water from paved surfaces, including bridges, roads, and parking lot can also cause turbidity in water.

If the drinking water has high turbidity levels, the chances are high that prolonged exposure to turbidity can lead to various health issues, including gastrointestinal diseases. On the other hand, contaminants like virus and bacteria are present in the suspended solids, and they interfere with disinfection.

High turbidity levels in the water can reduce the amount of light reaching lower depth in liquids which negatively affects the species that are dependent on the water.

How is turbidity measured?

Turbidity Monitor can help to detect the level of sediments in the liquids. There are several ways you can check the turbidity in water, including the measure of the attenuation of a light source as it passes through the water sample. The scattered light is then measured in various angles from the incident light. This method is now accepted as a more precise measure of turbidity.

If more light is able to reach by the turbidity instrument, it means there are many small particles scattering through the beams. If less light is reaching the detector means only fewer particles. The amount of light is influenced by many factors such as shape, colour, and reflectivity.

Many things can impact the quality of drinking water, and turbidity is one of them. Hence, the government has set the level of turbidity that is permissible. If you are looking for turbidity monitor, look no further than Prodetec.

The author is a technician who works in Prodetec, a 100% Australian owned and operated organisation. He offers quality turbidity monitor for every industry and application. Visit for more details.

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