poc in software development

by Baliar on Dec 1, 2022 Software 184 Views

Working on a new project is associated with uncertainty: initially, you do not know whether your idea is feasible and how to implement it. One way to get answers to these questions is to use a proof of concept approach.

The purpose of a POC in software development is to check whether the software idea is technically feasible and, as a result, establish a plan of action for the creation of the product. Let’s look at when and why we should use this approach, learn its challenges, and what strategy to follow.

Article source: https://article-realm.com/article/Computers/Software/32651-poc-in-software-development.html



Working on a new project is associated with uncertainty: initially, you do not know whether your idea is feasible and how to implement it. One way to get answers to these questions is to use a proof of concept approach. The purpose of a POC in software development is to check whether the software idea is technically feasible and, as a result, establish a plan of action for the creation of the product. Let’s look at when and why we should use this approach, learn its challenges, and what strategy to follow.



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