Know the Importance of Washing Hands Properly

by Gus Nehme on Nov 9, 2020 Finance 404 Views


Contaminated hands can spread a number of infectious diseases from one person to another. Workplace health and safety NSW is vital as gastrointestinal infections, such as Salmonella, and respiratory infections such as influenza may occur due to contaminated hands. Washing your hands properly may help avoid the spread of the germs that trigger these diseases. Work health and safety training is important as it can affect you and your family members too. Certain types of gastrointestinal and respiratory infections, especially for small children, the elderly or anyone with a compromised immune system, may cause serious complications. Work health and safety training not only saves the employees, but also their family. Here, we have discussed about a few common safety precaution for everyone to safeguard themselves from various diseases caused by contaminated hands.

How To Properly Wash Your Hands

To properly wash your hands:

- With clean, flowing water, wet your hands and turn off the tap.

- For 20 seconds, add soap and lather well (or longer if the dirt is ingrained).

- Rub your hands together quickly over your hands and wrists on all surfaces.

- Don't forget about the backs of your elbows, your ankles, between your fingertips, and under your nails.

- If necessary, before you wash your hands, remove rings and watches or ensure that you move the rings under them to wash, as microorganisms may live under them.

- Rinse thoroughly under running water to ensure that all soap traces are extracted.

- Use a clean towel to dry your hands or air dry them

- Using paper towels (or single-use cloth towels) is best.

- Dry under any rings, since if they stay wet; they can be a source of potential pollution. They can use hot air driers.

Utilize Running Water

Instead of a tub of standing water that may become polluted by use, use running water. As soap lathers (soaps up) better with warm water, warm water can be better than cold for hand washing. Cold water and soap are still sufficient, however. The skin's natural oils can be destroyed by hot water. This can cause dermatitis over time.

Soap Is Important

Washing hands with soap and water can kill far more species causing disease than washing hands with water alone. It is useful to remember that soaps may have a different pH for people who learn that soap causes skin irritation. They can be neutral, slightly alkaline or slightly acidic, and soap perfumes can also cause irritation. Changing soap can help some individuals to

Take Care Of Your Hands

Just one aspect of hand hygiene is hand washing. It is normally necessary to look after your skin, as your skin is your most effective protection against infection. After thoroughly drying your hands, you can help to take care of your hands if:

- Apply water-based absorbent hand cream three or four times a day, or more often, if your hands are continuously in water.

- To safeguard your hands, use gloves to wash dishes.

- If any skin irritation occurs or persists, see a doctor.

When To Have Your Hands Washed

You should thoroughly wash your hands:

- Upon using the bathroom or changing nappies

- Prior to, during and after food preparation

- Between handling raw and ready-to-eat or cooked food

- Prior to feeding,

- After Using a tissue or handkerchief after

- Before and after attending to children who are ill or other members of the family

- Smoking after smoking

- After garbage management or garden work,

- Upon treating animals

If you are looking for workplace health and safety consultants, you can rely on White Tick™.

The author of this article has been working in a company that provides training on Workplace health and safety NSW. In this article, he has mentioned the importance of properly washing your hands often. Visit

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