Weak Erection In Men: Causes And Treatments

by Roger Goggin on Oct 27, 2020 Exercise 580 Views

A large number of men are familiar with the problem of weak penile erections. It can occur for a variety of reasons, both physical and psychological. It manifests itself in many ways. This can be either a complete lack of erection function, or the inability to maintain an erection for an extended period of time during Physical intercourse, or an inadequate erection for its completion. It is worth seeing that this problem has occurred regularly for many. But if one of the four Physical acts fails, it's time to consider a lousy erection as a severe problem.

Causes of weak erections

Traditionally, all causes of erectile dysfunction have been divided into three groups: physiological factors, psychological factors, and external factors.

Physiological factors

This group of causes of weak erections includes diseases of the reproductive system:

Endocrine disease

Nervous system disorders

Penis injury

Urinary system problems

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Side effects of the drug can also lead to this situation.

The cause of low blood flow to the penis can be damage to the aorta or arterioles in diseases such as diabetes, atherosclerosis, and excessive smoking and metabolic disorders. Decreased erections can be caused by conditions of the nervous system as well as dysfunction of the brain and spinal cord. A relatively important cause of an erection violation is the cause of the endocrine system. Lowering androgen levels in men has a direct effect on reducing Physical desire.

Psychological and external causes

There are very many reasons why a weak erection is a poor psycho-emotional state in a man. These are chronic fatigue from stress and depression, tense robots, neurosis, fear, and phobia. These include failed Physical experiences, anxiety, partner psychological incompatibility, partner careless statements, and memories of her comparative analysis of Physical intercourse. It is noteworthy that this type of pathology is more common among young men. The external causes of low erectile dysfunction are:


Take medicine.

Alcohol abuse


Not all of these factors directly affect the reproductive system, but they cause many illnesses that have a detrimental effect on their potential.

Surgical treatment

Human nature is a treatment in such a way that one always wants to get the desired result without encountering any difficulty. However, if all the doctor's instructions are followed, and everything remains in place, the patient should take necessary steps if he realizes that the use of different types of Fildena Super Active is a remedy. Perhaps at this stage, the specialist will provide surgical assistance. There are many ways to treat weak erection surgically. They are selected individually for each patient.

Also, many of the men who received this procedure were able to regain all the joy of their love life. The only of all the most extreme, but 100%, results will be internal prostheses. It is deserving noting that there is no way back; this type of surgical intervention removes all blood vessels and cannot be restored. But in some cases, this is the only way to maintain physical function.

Drug treatment

The fact is that the main task of generic Viagra and other drugs is to raise blood pressure to the limit of receiving the correct amount of blood for a stable erection. Frequent uses of this type of pill Vilitra 40 and Cenforce 150 can treatment of men’s health but also their prime men. You may experience dizziness, headaches, and discomfort due to high blood pressure. Fortunately, modern Fildena 150 can provide patients with several ways to improve their men's health.

I have a long-term drug now. On average, such a course lasts 2 to 5 weeks. It aims to eradicate the problem and give good results. There is also an injection procedure. The required amount of medicine is injected directly into the penis; the process of treatment is divided into several stages. The interval between injections varies from 2 to 3 days. Without medical education, this procedure cannot be performed independently and requires regular visits to the clinic. Many of the men who had timed this procedure eradicated the problem and returned to their previous lives.

Physical therapy method

It is possible to use unique medications or physiotherapy to solve the efficacy problem. Their purpose, type, and form of exposure will be determined by the attending physician-the urologist. He also guides patients to psychologists and removes the psychological barriers of multiple Physical disorders.

In the medical setting, it is customary to distinguish between several significant effects on male organs.


Helps increase the blood supply to the body. Combined with the use of specialized dietary supplements, it qualitatively improves the condition of the gonads, and Vilitra 20 is treated the prostate and enhances overall physical activity.

It is suitable for patients with multiple prostate disorders. Radiofrequency ultrasound affects the tissues and cells of affected organs and stimulates their intensive work. In addition, this method significantly enhances tissue metabolism and eliminates the effects of Physically transmitted diseases.

Hormone therapy

It aims to maintain male strength, increase general Physical activity, and stimulate attraction to the opposite. It is specified together with electrophoresis and electrical stimulation.

Magnetic therapy

It is used to narrow the blood vessel wall of the penis. This method stimulates blood flow, improves venous permeability, and increases libido.

Article source: https://article-realm.com/article/Health-Fitness/Exercise/8166-Weak-Erection-In-Men-Causes-And-Treatments.html



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