
Member since Jan 26, 2018

by Smithsson on Jan 14, 2023



Every day your body accumulates toxins from food, drinks and polluted air. Toxins make you tired, bloated and weaken your immunity. To solve these problems you first need to get rid of the extra weight and start taking care of your body by detoxing your body regularly. How to do it? There are many ways of detoxing. However, the best way is the natural power of herbal tea which has been used by people for ages. Teatox is simple, does not require complicated recipes and is an effective method. It removes toxins and metabolic waste from your body. Everything thanks to natural ingredients which come in a simple and tasty form - a tea bag.   Why you should choose Hello Slim teatox? 2 in 1 Each ingredient works in a different way. That is why we have prepared 2 types of tea, morning and evening tea, to give you the maximum benefits. Both types of tea are delicious! Effectiveness Hello Slim detoxes your body, helps burn fat ... Continue reading →

by Smithsson on Dec 24, 2018

Current Events


Beware of Buying Into Blackhat Marketing Methods   In the race to have your website ranked highly in search engine results pages, don’t fall for blackhat marketing methods. Blackhat marketing is a term used to refer to marketing that isn’t ethical.    Instead of focusing on productive, long term strategies, those who practice blackhat marketing are looking for quick, short term results. Not only can blackhat marketing traps negatively influence customers, but they can also result in your site be permanently banned from search engines.    Since search engines are a major way of gaining traffic, you don’t want to do anything that would jeopardize your good standing. It’s important to learn what these blackhat marketing methods are and what you can do for traffic and rankings instead.    Originally, search engines ranked a site based on the number of links to it. This quickly led dishonest website owners to create a system that ... Continue reading →

by Smithsson on Dec 24, 2018

Interior Design


Affiliate Sales - Tangibles Versus Digital Product Promotions   For the marketers who are undecided about whether to promote tangible or digital products, knowing what affects the sales of each can make the decision easier to make. Tangible products are what you can physically grasp.    You use tangible products every day in life. Your healthcare items, your clothing - even the meals that you eat are considered tangible products. You can find millions of tangible products to promote online on sites like Amazon, Wal-Mart, and more.    Digital products would fall under the category of those items that can be delivered to consumers via their email inbox. Some of those products might be software that makes their marketing life easier.    Other products might be movies or video or a PDF file. It’s whatever product you can send them by using the Internet. Obviously, you can’t deliver clothes to someone’s email inbox but you could deliver ... Continue reading →

Nice Girls Do It, Too!

by Smithsson on May 1, 2018



  It is absolutely true that when online dating sites first started they were populated entirely by perverts, sexual predators, weirdoes, social misfits and emotional wrecks but that is no longer true. Online dating has gone mainstream and has lost all the social stigma it once suffered. Single people of all ages, races, religions and both sexes do it. Short people, tall people, thin people, obese people do it. People from every developed country in the world do it. Nice girls do it, too. The reasons people join online dating sites are as varied as the people who join but mostly they join for three very good reasons: (1) Time (2) Money and (3) It works.    Time: You can go through hundreds of online profiles and look at hundreds of pictures in the same length of time only one real world date takes and the screening is already done for you. You can tell right away if a guy is only looking for casual relationships or long term commitments. How many times have you worked 8 ... Continue reading →

Free Weight Loss programs

by Smithsson on May 1, 2018



    The race to fitness is on and a lot of people are getting into the band wagon. Some people do it to achieve a sexy body, some people just do it because they are embarrassed with the body they have now, while others do it simply to remain fit and heatlthy. As such, many fitness programs are out in the internet, in gyms, spas and fitness centers all over. Some are too expensive to afford that one may even lose weight just by trying to work out the money needed to pursue these fitness programs.   One may not have to go to the gym or the spa or any fitness center and spend much just to slim down to obtain that longed for sexy body. There are many books available in the bookstore which offer weight loss programs which are convenient and for free, of course the books are not though. These weight loss programs, or diet plans are gaining immense popularity with so much publicity, testimonials and reviews that one may be confused which exactly to follow. So before choosing ... Continue reading →

The best acne removal programs

by Smithsson on Apr 12, 2018



Acne is a skin disorder faced by a lot of people. The primary cause for the production of acne is due to the obstruction of pilosebaceous canal. The obstruction can be due to various reasons, like poor hygiene, stress, bad diet, oily skin etc. Acne can be caused by various other reasons too. Whatever the reason is acne can create a bad impression when someone looks into your beautiful face. In most cases the acne can create a scar or black spot or pores in your face which you may have to live with your whole lifetime. So why give a chance to acnes. It's time to remove your acne and it's after effects completely. It's better to be late than never. So let's go through some reasons for your acne and the importance to get an acne removal treatment further in this article.   There are various forms of acne. Blackheads are a type of acne, generated on your skin due to the accumulation of melanin pigments. Pustules are filled with pus in its center, ... Continue reading →

Top Online Casino Sites Reviews

by Smithsson on Apr 12, 2018

Data Recovery


There are many roulette systems out there for you to choose from to gain the upperhand playing roulette. But do any of them actually work?    Roulette essentially is a game of chance, not skill so to try and beat a mathematically biased game is for the most part impossible. For this reason many roulette systems you try will not give you any better chance of winning than if you was to bet randomly.   So what makes The Roulette System any different? First of all this system does not set out to mathematically beat roulette, rather it uses casino bonuses, dealer biases and sensible betting to gain the best possible of advantage of walking away a winner.   The author of this system clearly knows a lot about roulette, and his time as a croupier has undoubtedely given him an advantage against the casino. But will his methods work for the rest of us?   On visiting it is clear that a lot of money is being made from this method, but can the ... Continue reading →

Find the best credit repair companies that are sure to get results!

by Smithsson on Apr 12, 2018



Many people might have heard about credit repair often in advertisements, but still most of them have no idea on what is credit repair and how does it work. Living with a bad credit is not a big deal nowadays in America, but it’s really tough. A bad credit makes many things difficult in your life, sometimes even impossible or more costly. You can take many things as example to judge this statement, such as an insurance company decides the interest rates by checking whether their policy holder has a bad credit score and thus decides a higher interest rate in proportion to their bad credit score. Loans or credit cards are provided by banks after checking your credit scores. If you are getting new utilities in your name, the company will decide whether you should pay a security deposit after checking your credit score. By considering all these factors, we find the importance of credit repair in our life. If you want to repair a bad credit, either you can do it yourself or use the ... Continue reading →


by Smithsson on Apr 12, 2018



How to reduce weight? This is probably the most worrying problem for everybody in this modern world and each one is trying to find the answer from different sources. If you are one among them and unable to achieve weight loss despite all the efforts, it is time you realize that your problem is just not budging even after dieting and exercising. There could be deeper problems involved. You may come across many programs that claim instantaneous results, but it has time and again been proved that they are mere promises and do not achieve the desired result of weight loss. Despite all the dieting and exercising, if you fail to achieve the result that you very much wish for, or if you find that you have severe constipation and fluid accumulation, you must understand that body detox could probably help you in solving the problem. It has been established that the accumulation of toxins in the body is one of the major causes of weight gain. If you are unable to flush the toxins regularly and ... Continue reading →

Want Big-Ticket Clients? Stop Blogging & Start Calling

by Smithsson on Feb 22, 2018



You’ve heard the statistics before: blogging 16+ times per month generates 4.5x more leads and 3.5x more traffic. Bingo! Time to write more blog posts, right? Wrong. Not if big-ticket clients are your goal. Not if landing a client that could skyrocket your revenue is your goal (and it is). Securing an elusive, high-end client requires reaching decision-makers. And decision makers aren’t reading “XX SEO Tips.” They hire people to do that. Here’s why calling is more important than blogging for landing a game-changing client. Blogging is Great for Leads, but Not Big Ones Blogging has taken the content marketing and SEO world by storm in the past few years. It’s a core, essential component of marketing strategy for countless companies. According to HubSpot’s State of Inbound, “Blog content creation” is the second-highest priority for marketing companies right now. Among the rest include just about anything and everything relating to ... Continue reading →

The Basics On How TO Start Making Money With Adsense

by Smithsson on Feb 12, 2018



Adsense is considered as one of the most powerful tool in a website publisher’s arsenal. It enables a person to monetize their sites easily. If used properly, it can generate a very large and healthy income for them. However if you are not using them rightly and just maximizing the income you squeeze from it, you are actually leaving a lot of money on the table. Something all people hate doing.  How you can start earning money with Adsense can be done easily and quickly. You will be amazed at the results you will be getting in such a short period of time. Start by writing some quality content articles which are also keyword incorporated. There are a lot of people given the gift of being good with words. Writing comes easy for them. Why not make it work in such a way that you will be earning some extra cash in the process. There are actually three steps to put into mind before you begin writing your ads and having an effective Adsense. Keyword search. Find some popular ... Continue reading →

by Smithsson on Jan 27, 2018

Sports & Recreation


By Adam Beyer The public policy honors thesis program draws students with a diverse array of passions, all interested in pursuing original research. This academic year, the program attracted 30 students, a 10-year high, said Ken Rogerson, associate professor and thesis program director for the Sanford School of Public Policy To accommodate the large number, both Rogerson and Adam Hollowell, an adjunct professor, taught a section of the thesis course. The course guides students through the research and writing process and provides a community for collaboration and support. Each students also seeks out a faculty advisor. “The value of the program for the student is not the end product so much as the process of figuring out their own research project,” Rogerson said. “It makes them a better student, employee and potential graduate student.” Sanford’s thesis program differs from other undergraduate thesis programs at Duke because it starts in the spring of a ... Continue reading →

How Rental Income Is Used To Get A Mortgage Loan

by Smithsson on Jan 27, 2018



Do you own rental property? If yes, and you're looking to borrow money with a new mortgage, your gain or loss identified by your tax returns may help or hinder your chances of procuring favorable credit. Lenders can use up to 75% of the rents generated, however, if there is a history of rental losses, those losses may limit borrowing power. What to pay attention to if you have a mortgaged rental property… Know Your Schedule E The schedule E of your Form 1040 is the area of your personal income tax return where you report rental property. If at the end of the calendar year, you have a net loss on your tax return, you could face a tough time qualifying for a mortgage because the loss is counted as a liability much like a minimum payment is on a car loan, credit card or other consumer debt. Lenders will usually average a two year history for each rental property owned. An averaged gain or loss from the Schedule E will determine if you cut the mustard for qualifying. How The ... Continue reading →

Video game business

by Smithsson on Jan 26, 2018



Dear Thanks for subscribing to my video game seller niche newsletter. Now I am going to get straight to the point so you can get hooked up in the game business as soon as possible. First I will clue you in on a little secret. Most video game sellers online don't stand a chance because they don't know the real tricks of this competitive industry. It's nothing complicated but it can and probably will cost you years of frustration and thousands of wasted dollars learning it the hard way like I did. Now that hurdle is behind me and I have made well into the seven figures in sales of video games and want to teach you to do the same. Did you know I made over 1000% markups on one particular gaming item? It is not uncommon to make 500% markup on other things? The only thing is, you have to know who the real wholesalers are to find these deals from and not get sucked into one of those moneytraps that call themselves video game wholesalers that you find all over the internet. I am ... Continue reading →



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