Angular has turned out to be a boon in developing a dynamic web page. As we all know developing code barefoot is always being a tedious task to do. AngularJS Developer is assisted with the efficient bundle of tools to help every developer to work in an efficient manner within a less period of time.

Let us discuss some of The Best Tools for Angular Development that are available for Angular web application development in a very smart and efficient way.

Top 20 AngularJS Development Tools for Developers

Angular Testing mostly preferred using automated testing tools for Quality assurance. As applications develop in size and complexity, it becomes unrealistic to rely on manual testing to test the behavior of new features, catch bugs and notice regressions.

1. Karma

It is a Spectacular Test Runner for JavaScript. As we all know, No product can be launched before it is tested and there cannot be any good tool other than Karma which makes testing an easier task for us. With Karma, testing on the real browsers and mobile devices such as handsets and tablets.

It runs a test in the browser yet reports them in the CLI (Command Line Interface) giving steady criticism on each test's status. With Karma angular testing tool, you can direct different tests like E2E testing, midway testing, unit testing, and so forth.

2. Protractor

It is a Node.js program that is built on top of WebDriverJS. Protractor runs on the real browsers which also provides with the end to end testing. It is a start to finish test structure. This is one of the best angular build tools that is based on top of WebDriverJS. It runs tests in a genuine program collaborating with the application as any ordinary client would. Google developed Protractor.

It is the most thorough and exceptional automated Angular testing tool made by the Angular team. Protractor naturally synchronizes your tests to the page. Protractor is compatible with Node.js, Mocha, Jasmine, and Selenium. 

3. Jasmine


Provides a testing environment for the Node.js projects. It works whenever java scripts are implemented. Jasmine is an open-source Angular development tool used for testing. The USP of Jasmine is that it can run on any JavaScript-empowered stage. Jasmine utilizes BDD (Behavior-Driven Development) as well as utilizing it for TDD (Test-Driven Development). It forms a perfect duo with Karma. Testing and debugging become easy when you have these two Angular development tools in your arsenal.


This tool is jQuery independent which provides programmers flexibility. This Angular Development tool also supports mentions and macros widgets. In this way, for any component and selectable content data sources, you can directly apply

5. Mocha.js

It is a component-rich JavaScript test system that keeps running on node.js and the browser and permits asynchronous testing making it adaptable with announcing and mapping. Mocha.js is an Angular testing framework that runs on the browser and node.js for all intents and purposes.

For reporting and planning, this JS considers the nonconcurrent testing and makes it adaptable for the accuracy terms. It is most appropriate for AngularJS developers on the beginners level and is ideal for training too. 

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