Developing a dynamic web page has never been so much in vogue and thank god we have Angular for that! Earlier, what used to happen was developers had to code barefoot each and every time when developing an application or a website which happened to be quite a tedious task. Fortunately, that’s not the case anymore. You will come across several renowned and reputable Angular development companies that carry a proven track record of delivering the best possible solutions from their doorsteps. Other than that, keep reading the following post where you will have a better idea about Angular and the best Angular development tools to consider. 

Why Choose Angular for your upcoming Development Project?

For starters, the Javascript framework ensures the seamless development of modern, interactive and dynamic applications which turn out to be way more lighter and faster.  Moreover, Angular has attention-grabbing features such as templating, two-way binding, modularization, RESTful API handling, dependency injection, and AJAX handling.

Further, I would like to mention some crucial benefits of using Angular for your upcoming development project. Well, in today’s cut-throat competitive times, every small-medium-large-size business tends to move ahead of times. More or less, they always want to stay competitive and have an extra edge and that’s when technologies such as Angular can assist. The Javascript framework excels when it comes to automation, performance, flexibility, scalability, and quickly-build apps. Still wondering why Angular is considered for developing enterprise-scale applications, single-page applications, progressive web applications, and server-side Rendered Applications. mobile and so on?   

#1 Backed By Google

One of the obvious reasons for choosing Angular is that it is backed by Google. The tech giant is known for its trustworthiness and reliability across the globe. Not to mention, Google ensures long-term support. In fact, several Google apps are developed using Angular. Also, you shouldn’t be missing the chance of learning from Google’s certified Angular professionals.

#2 Productivity and Efficiency

Another benefit to take into consideration is high-end productivity and efficiency. Yes, Angular is one such Javascript framework that ensures increased productivity and efficiency of the developer. The framework ensures the seamless division of tasks among different team members and while doing so, the code is maintained seamlessly. As a result, this boosts productivity and efficiency.

#3 Cost-Effective

Yes, you read it right, conducting an angular development project can be pretty cost-effective when compared to other available frameworks and technologies. In fact, It may quite interest you to know that Angular developers have the potential to build numerous iterations of a website and that too from a single codebase. This is not just it! Developing high-quality websites is possible all thanks to a variety of features and functionalities available. Moreover, testing here is a pretty easy task.

Apart from these, Typescript, declarative UI, Must-be taken into account for progressive web applications as well as single page applications, simplified MVC pattern, Dependency injection, Two-way data binding, Routing, Event handling, modular structure, jQuery Libraries, Unit Testing, Controllers, Composability, code consistency, easy-to-maintain and the list goes on! No wonder big brands such as Microsoft Office Home, Deutsche Bank Developer Portal, Forbes, Google Marketing Platform, IBM, and PayPal vouch for Angular and is a preferred choice for several small and medium-sized businesses.

Top Angular Development Tools to Consider

#1 Karma

This is a Spectacular test runner, especially for Javascript. Gone are the days when testing was considered as an afterthought. Today, launching software without testing is a huge sin. And that’s when Karma comes to play! The development tool ensures seamless testing on real browsers and mobile devices, handsets and tablets.

So what exactly happens here is, it successfully runs a test in the browser and reports them in the CLI featuring exact criticism regarding the status of each test. With Karma, different tests such as E2E testing, midway testing, and unit testing can be conducted. 

#2 Jasmine

Another interesting Angular development tool to take into consideration is Jasmine. Much like Karma, even Jasmine makes it way easier to write different kinds of tests for Javascript projects. It doesn’t matter whether you are using Java or Javascript in the app’s codebase.


If you are looking for an open-source Angularjs development tool, then look no further than Jasmine. Also, this tool in particular aces when it comes to testing and debugging. It really doesn’t matter what programming language you are working with, the application once deployed onto Chrome browsers via Webpack2+merge modules. Moreover, Jasmine works wonders when testing Node.js code and others which mainly support Javascript runtime. No wonder it is considered among the best Angular development tools available.

#3 Mocha.JS

The next one in line is Mocha.Js. And I am sure you must be wondering why Mocha.js is included in the following list. Well, the Angular development tool in particular ensures programmers to write asynchronous Javascript tests that are portable across different platforms and browsers. Mocha ensures an easy way to make the code more readable with the help of expectations instead of curly braces when applicable.  

#4 Ng Inspector

Next in line with the best Angular development tools to consider is Ng Inspector. Now this tool works wonders for those who are seeking assistance in code development, debugging and developing subsequent applications. Basically, other than the Angular development tool, this one is pretty much known as the browser extension compatible with Angular JS devtools for Chrome and Angular JS devtools for Firefox.

It may also interest you to know that developers when using Ng Inspector can seamlessly locate code errors and inconsistencies. In other words, no more hard searches are required in case of pieces scattered across different files.  

#5 Webstorm

Call it a leading angular development tool or the best AngularJS Integrated Development Environment, this one turns out to be the developer’s favorite across the globe. Webstorm is highly used for coding purposes and has a pre-introduced Dart module.

What’s so alluring about this particular Angular development tool is that code can be seen without going live or refreshing the page. Though this one is not an open-source free integrated development environment it definitely comes with a 30-day free trial.


Final Words

And we are done for the day! These are some of the best Angular development tools and platforms to take into consideration. I hope each one of these is of your assistance and in case, if you think we have missed out on something, feel free to mention the angular development tool in the comment section below.


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