How to Prepare for Severe Weather at Your Mountain Cabin

by 4Patriots on Jul 4, 2022 Finance 258 Views

Severe weather brings danger wherever it strikes. The situation can become a crisis even faster if you’re isolated in your mountain cabin. Why is it crucial to prepare for severe weather at your cabin? There’s a good chance your cabin has little or no internet connectivity or phone service. It’s unlikely you’ll be able to reach emergency responders should the need arise. Widespread disasters mean people in the mountains will be the last to get help. They’re pretty much on their own for the time being. Use this list to stock your cabin with essentials, so you’re prepared when severe weather hits.

Have Basic Individual Survival Equipment

Strong storms or other natural disasters could leave your cabin uninhabitable. You and your family could find yourselves seeking new shelter. That means you must prepare individual survival equipment for yourself and your family. Start with food, water, and a first aid kit. Also include a solar powered flashlight, a compass, and local maps. Be sure that your kit has a solar powered cell phone charger. You can use plastic sheeting and duct tape to shelter in place. If you need to abandon your cabin, have a backup plan ready to go.

Charge Batteries for Power Tools and Devices

Your cabin may take a beating in extreme weather. Intense storms usually come with some warning from meteorologists. You could get notice ranging from a few days to a few hours ahead of the weather. It’s crucial to use this time to prepare your cabin for impact. This could include boarding up windows or securing any screen doors. Make a habit of keeping your power tool batteries charged, so you have them when you need them most. Strong storms often bring down power lines. That means you may have no electricity once the weather clears. It can pay to invest in a solar panel generator, so you have reliable power once the storm has passed.

Get Updates with an Emergency Radio

Having all the best survival gear won’t do much good if you don’t know when to use it. An emergency radio will provide updates from authorities as the situation develops. You can use this information to get an idea of how long you might need to survive on your own. An NOAA weather radio is also a great way to stay ahead of severe weather. Even better is a radio that also provides news, music, and can act as a backup power source in a pinch. That way, you know what’s coming weather-wise and everything else, to be ready when trouble arrives.

Proper Storage of Non-Perishable Food

Severe weather in the mountains can bring down tree branches and power lines. Your cabin may lose power. The food in your refrigerator or freezer won’t last long in a situation like that. Non-perishable food is excellent for survival when the power is out for several days. Make it a habit to store non-perishable food at room temperature in a central location within your cabin. It’s even better to have a stash of emergency food bars. The best emergency food bars can last up to 5 years under proper storage conditions. The advantage of food like this is that you don’t need water, cooking, heat, or even a can opener. Just tear open the pouch and eat.

About 4Patriots

You never know when an emergency will happen. That’s why you must stay ready. 4Patriots can help. Their survival products can help you keep your family safe in an emergency. Allen and Erin Baler started 4Patriots in Nashville, Tennessee, at their kitchen table. They have grown to over 190 employees. 4Patriots has always had 1 goal: to help everyday people prepare for emergencies. They offer a selection of survival gear and emergency supplies. These can help solve the problems you may face Check out the 4Patriots solar generator, emergency food kits, and solar flashlights. You don’t have to worry about what might happen. Instead, you know that your family will be safe. Join the 4Patriots family today to get ready for tomorrow.

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