An Overview & Benefit of having a Health Plan that Offers Financial Support for Serious Diseases

by Alzbeta Berka on Dec 13, 2018 Debt Consolidation 899 Views

Your health may take a backseat as you focus on staying ahead in the race of life. You may concentrate on acquiring more finance, building a successful career and securing respect from colleagues and subordinates. You may forget to care for your health due to your focus on objective gains and a serious ailment may start affecting your health due to the lack of attention. This ailment may become apparent when you least expect and may catch you off guard. The shock you may receive from the news of having a serious illness may increase manifold in anticipation of present and future medical expenditures. The general health insurance policies may not cover all medical expenditures related to the treatment of serious ailments. Hence, it is essential to have a health plan that covers the expenses of serious ailments or to purchase a separate medical plan for these types of illnesses.

Overview of a Medical Plan that Covers Serious Ailments

The medical plans for critical illness are different than the general health plans. Unlike the general health plans that pay for the expenditures in relation to hospitalization, these plans pay a huge sum at once after the diagnosis of serious ailments, such as different types of cancers and other debilitating diseases.

The list of serious ailments may include myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular attack, PAH, benign tumors, Alzheimer's disease, chronic kidney disease, end-stage liver disease, organ transplantations, MS, paraplegia/quadriplegia and aortic repairs.

A general health plan may not cover for these illnesses, as the treatment for these illnesses requires an investment of thousands of dollars and an insurer cannot pay a hefty sum to a client against the payment of a moderate amount of premium. The amount of premium for the medical plans of serious illnesses is higher than the general plans. Hence, an insurer can pay a large sum to a client at once upon the diagnosis of a disease.

Versatility of Medical Plans for Serious Diseases

The medical plans for serious ailments do not enquire about the nature of expenditure after payment. A client is only supposed to show medical documents that corroborate to his/her claim of having a serious medical condition. Unlike the general health policies, you may receive this money with or without any hospital admission. Hence, this type of health plan liberates you from many limitations, as you may use this money on different types of expenditures.

You may lose the capacity of work due to the debilitating effect of a serious ailment. In this scenario, you may lose your job and this may lead to financial distress for you and your family members. The large sum you may receive through a medical plan for serious ailments may bring some comfort into your life. Unlike a general health plan, you may use the money received through the medical plan for debilitating diseases to support other necessities. Hence, you can focus on your treatment and recuperation with a peace of mind.

Hence, it is as essential to have a medical plan for serious diseases as having a policy of life insurance abroad. If you are the bread-earner in a family or have a family history of serious ailments, then it may be prudent for you to purchase a health plan that covers for such diseases.

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