Stock Market In Crash Mode! What Now? well Holy Smoke is cowboys and cowgirls we are getting absolutely tore up in the market today oh my word look at that stock market today the Dow was down well over, 800 points a gain by the way after I took this screen shot I actually saw the market was going down even more about 850 points, okay this is one of the biggest drops in the history. Of the Dow Jones when it comes to a point drop okay. Here today Nasdaq is down three point seven three percent and once again that one was giving even worse as I was taking these screenshots I think it approached a 4% downward move their S&P 500 down. Over 3% Russell 2000 down about three point, three percent massive massive downward moves I want to talk about what is coming what is next okay and what, is really going on in the stock market right now okay the volatility index okay the VIX is up over. 30% here today okay the VIX kind of tracks like what how much volatility there is in a market in a particular time and when you get one of the. Biggest point drops in the history the Dow even though say there's a lot of volatility going on in the stock market okay this. Shows you a chart of the largest daily point losses in the history of.
The Dow 30 okay and what we're gonna see here is today should be either the fourth or maybe even the third biggest point drop day in. The history of the Dow n who knows maybe it could even worse in. The last hour of trading and maybe we go down a thousand points we'll have to see what happens with that but regardless it should be, for sure one of the worst days in the history of the Dow in, terms of how many points this drops today okay now in terms of the largest daily percentage losses it's. Actually not that bad of a day okay but if you look like a lot of those days were way back basically the stock market. Used to be way. More volatile way back in the day back in the 20s and 30s and what not if we look at the largest daily percentage losses you know basically since like the year 2000 there's, only been four years in the top 20 okay so I need to say this is a crazy lost day in the market.
In general and especially if you look at as far as a point drop, it's like okay look at some of these moves down in.
Some of these stocks here today okay we have knio knio corporation down twelve and a half percent right they're trying, to be the tough love China Holy Smoke as this ain't no joke a look at square stock down another eight percent today, it made a massive downward move on Friday I remember we talked about it okay we talked about that on financial education too on.
Article source: https://article-realm.com/article/Finance/Mortgage/5565-Worst-Days-in-Stock-Market-History.html
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