Top 15 Benefits of Using AngularJS for Web App Development

by Mason Walker on Dec 9, 2022 Health & Fitness 273 Views

AngularJS is a JavaScript-based frontend web development framework.  It’s the type of technology that is gaining traction with developers because it’s built on top of the DOM, or Document Object Model, which allows for real-time functionality and easy data binding.

It is also a full-fledged web application framework that can be used in building single-page applications with its rich API. One of the reasons why angular is so popular is its real-time data binding capabilities, which makes it easy to update the UI in a reactive way. 

But when it comes to using Angular in a development project, it will never let you down. It is very helpful in creating reliable and fully customized web applications. Apart from that its powerful features enable you to avoid all the hassles and setbacks that one might face during a conventional development process. Read this blog to know the benefits of using AngularJS for web app development.  

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Table of Contents

Benefits of Using AngularJS for Web App Development

In this blog post, we have listed the top 15 benefits of using AngularJS for web app development with the reason why it is in high demand among developers worldwide.

1. It’s easier to use

The AngularJS framework offers an easy way to create a new project, add some components, and customize them as per your requirements. The framework also provides animation effects and other features that make the development process easier and faster than other frameworks like jQuery or Bootstrap.

2. Flexibility

AngularJS has been designed so that developers do not have to learn specific JavaScript programming languages like Java or C# to use it. They can use their knowledge of HTML and CSS and build any type of application they want without needing any special skills or qualifications. This means that even if you are new to programming, this is a great way for you to start in the world of computer programming without having to spend years learning how things work under the hood first.

3. Easy debugging

Debugging an AngularJS-based application is easy because it uses the same syntax as JavaScript works. Therefore, you don’t have to learn or have knowledge of any other languages to carry out the debugging process. In addition, you can use tools such as Chrome Developer Tools or Firebug for debugging.

4. Fast Development Process

In general, when developing an application with Angular, you will have a faster development process than if you were using other frameworks like React or Vue. This is because AngularJS uses HTML5, CSS3, and ECMAScript 5 instead of the older Flash and ActionScript tools.

This means that you will get the same benefits when you create your application with AngularJS as you would get if you used HTML5 but with the advantage of being able to use the latest features available in technology today.

5. Code Reusability

AngularJS allows you to use your code again and again for multiple development projects. This is important because it enables you to save time and money while working on different projects.

For example, if you have written a component in your AngularJS application, then you can reuse it in other projects without having to write it again from scratch. This saves hours and reduces the number of errors in your code base by avoiding duplication of effort.

This makes it easy to develop a large app with less effort. You can reuse the same code in different places and make it easier for other developers to understand what you are trying to achieve.

You can also use this approach if you want to create a new feature or tweak an existing one on your web app. This will save you time and help you avoid making multiple changes in the code base.

6. Real-Time Testing

Real-time testing is one of the most powerful features of AngularJS that makes it one of the best frameworks for your project. It allows you to test your application in a live environment without having to reload the page every time. This allows you to see how your changes affect your application without having to wait for them to take effect on the server side.

Real-time testing makes it easy to test your application’s performance and make sure that it does not crash when dealing with large amounts of data or when running multiple processes at the same time. It also reduces the time required to test an application because you only have to run the tests once instead of running them repeatedly over and over again until they pass.

You can use this feature with any type of testing tool or framework such as Jasmine or Karma, both popular testing tools for JavaScript projects. You can also choose between using a server-side framework like NodeJS or Selenium WebDriver, which are both open-source tools that allow you to write tests against your web application directly in JavaScript files.


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