Maintain Your Emergency Food Supplies with Heavy Duty Mylar Bags

by Wallaby Goods on Oct 4, 2022 Politics 240 Views

For centuries, people have followed food prepping and storage techniques. They started using these techniques for three basic reasons.

The First reason being that they used Mylar bags, canned goods, and more to solve the food shortage problems. Food shortages can occur at any time, and all preppers know this.

The second reason might surprise you as it does not have anything to do with emergency preparedness. The second reason why they prepped is because they wanted to store seasonal food items so that they can enjoy them in their non-seasonal period.

The third and last reason why people began food prepping and utilizing storage techniques is that they needed food supplies to fulfill their nutritional requirements during and after the war. And to date, everyone has been using food storage techniques similarly.

MREs were the most popular at the start, but eventually people began using heavy duty Mylar bags in addition to MRE pouches. Here's how these bags help save food items from getting spoiled for years to come.


The main reason behind food spoilage is contact with air. When bacterial contents present in the air get in contact with food items, they start naturally spoiling them. This is a natural process, but you can store food items for years if you take extra precautions.

Emergency food preppers came up with the idea of Mylar bags because they wanted to extend the life of their food, so that they never run out of food in an emergency situation where grocery stores aren’t accessible. They also came up with them to avoid running out of food during a food shortage.

These bags are perfect for preserving your food. Once the Mylar bags have been sealed, they do not let even a spec of air into the bag. So, there is no chance that the bacteria in the air or the oxygen itself will spoil the food items.


The presence of moisture inside food storage containers is also a big concern. Fluctuating temperatures and the heat of food items can give rise to moisture inside the container, which completely ruins the stored emergency food item.

However, unlike other food storage containers, all small and large Mylar bags have a unique design that does not let moisture levels increase inside the bag. As a result, moisture will never be able to ruin the stored food item.

Light Blocking:

Every person can relate to forgetting to keep raw and prepared food items inside the fridge. The food might remain on your counter for the whole day, and if it gets in touch with any sunlight or heat, it is unlikely to survive.

In short, it is crucial to protect food items from being in sunlight. Although it might be too late to the save food, you can avoid frustration next time by using Mylar bags with oxygen absorbers. The oxygen absorber will suck up all of the oxygen in the bag, and the material of the Mylar bag itself will prevent light, moisture, oxygen, and bacteria from entering the bag and, in turn, spoiling your food items.

About Wallaby:

You can always find a solution for long-term food storage prepping with Wallaby. Their online store offers useful Mylar bags in different colors, sizes, and thicknesses.

They sell their bags in bundles with oxygen absorbers and sticker labels. Since their high-quality Mylar bags are reusable, you may eventually run out of oxygen absorbers. Fortunately, you can also get extra oxygen absorbers from their store.

If you are ready to start prepping your food for years to come, visit Wallaby for the top food storage Mylar bags on the market.

Head to or contact Wallaby’s expert staff to get started.

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