How Do I Use My WiFi Extender TP-Link

by better ressult on Feb 15, 2021 Current Events 370 Views

Wireless Range Extenders have become an important part of our daily life. There are numerous companies which provide the best quality of Networking devices wherein you can choose the best brand according to your requirements. TP-Link WiFi Range Extender has attained the maximum attention towards itself due to its unique performance and functionalities. If you have recently purchased the TP-Link Extender, they can log in in order to configure or change the settings. Or any queries related to the Tplinkrepeater Setup, you can directly ask the technical team of professionals for instant services. 

In this blog post same post, you will be able to understand the default IP of the TP-Link extender which is ‘’. If you will not be able to understand anything, then you can approach the best technicians. Here you will get the complete guide about how to set up the TP-Link extender without any hassle.

Step By Step Guide To Use the WiFi Extender TP-Link

• The initial step is to sign in to the router by simply entering the IP address on any of the browsers.

• Now navigate to the Wireless section.

• Then make a note of all the details which include the router’s IP address & password.

• You can now set up the TP-Link Extender by simply plugging it into a wall socket.

• In the next step, you have to connect the TP-Link Extender with the Computer by using an Ethernet cord.

• You need to choose the Quick Setup option. Then click on the Next. 

• Select your country name and after that tap on the Next button.

• Now you have to allow the TP-Link extender to search for all the wireless networks.

• Choose the network from the list and then choose the Next. 

• Here you need to type the wireless password when asked to do so.

• Select the Copy from Main Router and then click on the Next.

• To proceed, insert the TP-Link Extender into the outlet which is near to the router.

• Now press the WPS button which is available at the router’s rear.

• You can see that the WPS LED light on the router will start flashing. 

• Press the WPS button present on the TP-Link Extender.

• Once the WPS light starts to blink, enjoy the Wi-Fi connection from any corner of your home or office.

The steps discussed above are quite easy to use. In case of any difficulty while using them, then ask the professionals. They will provide you complete guidance for what you will ask for. 

Are you unable to Tplinkrepeater Login? If yes, then reach out to the technicians. All the professionals will use exclusive ways to fix the queries of the customers. The availability of our technical team members is 24*7 hours; do not feel hesitate to dial the helpline number of the experts. The experts will greet the customers humbly. If you want to resolve the Tp Link Repeater Setup issues, then make the best choice of technical experts. 

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