aman khanna

aman khanna
Member since Jun 29, 2022

by aman khanna on Jun 29, 2022

Home & Family


Money is essential in every aspect of our life. Every day, we work hard to earn a living for our family and ourselves. But are we spending our hard-earned money in the proper places, where it will provide decent returns and help us reach our short term investment objectives? If not, it is time to consider short term investment options.    Nobody can foretell the future, but we can prepare for it by budgeting and saving for the best investment possibilities in India. The COVID-19 epidemic has taught us the importance of saving, as it can only help us face life's uncertainties.   So, what are your short-term investing strategies? Short-term and long-term investment opportunities exist in India. Short-term investments with tenors of a year or two may be made. It might be used to purchase jewellery, a bike/car/laptop, plan a vacation, or anything else you might need shortly. Various profitable one-year investing strategies might help you generate quick money. Long-term ... Continue reading →



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