Tips to Handle Your Toddler’s After-Day Care Meltdown

by Christene Brennan on Mar 18, 2019 Email Marketing 710 Views


After a long day at day-care, many kids totally lose it when their parents pick them or when they get home. It happens, because, kids hold it together all day and release their true emotions when they get to a safe place. Some kids may scream, while others throw things and become aggressive. 

Why after school restraint collapse happens? 

Managing the challenges that happen at child care centres in Macquarie fields wipes your kids out, and they have to hold it till they reach home. When your child is at the day care, there are all sorts of disappointments, expectations, and challenges to manage, and all of this without your presence nearby. It can be exhausting for your toddler which is why after the day-care meltdown happens. 

Tips for dealing with the after-day-care tantrums 

While it is not possible to prevent every tantrum that your toddler has, by preparing and planning ahead, you can reduce the number of tantrums and the length of time they last. 

- Have your kid’s favourite snack in your car for the drive home. Kids will be hungry at the end of the day and a snack can take the edge off their hunger. Giving their favourite snack also distracts them from getting upset. Try to choose healthy, portable foods to take with you like cheese or small bites of fruit. 

- Instead of changing clothes immediately, try to spend time when you get home. Hold and hug your kid. Read a book or chat with them and enquire about their day at school. They have been away from you all day and missed you. Definitely, your kid will love to snuggle with you for a few minutes, and you can look forward these precious times at the end of a long day. 

- Whether your child is attending a half day or full day program at Macquarie fields child care, planning to eat together is a great way to slow down and spend time together. 

- Don’t try to stop off at the grocery or somewhere else on the way home. You kid needs some time to relax at home, so get home first. 

Remember that your kid is using a whole lot of energy to stay attentive and learn at Macquarie fields child care centre. It takes time to get settled, and if your kid is coming home and losing on you, you haven’t failed. The next time a tantrum comes your way, be calm and prepared to help your toddler work their meltdowns. 

The author of this article owns Macquarie fields child care centre. Along with a team of professionals, he provides a calm and safe atmosphere where children can learn and play. Visit for more details.

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