Will Your Personal Injury Lawyer Turns Your Case Down

by Chris Lucero on May 17, 2019 Psychology 758 Views


Have you ever suffered a personal injury? After continuous refusal from a couple of personal injury attorneys, people wonder why attorneys will not accept their case. An experienced Albuquerque personal injury attorney takes every step to help you and build your case strong. But, sometimes the most helpful action is to discourage you from pursuing your case. There are many reasons why your personal injury attorney in Albuquerque NM doesn’t want to take up your case. A few of them are listed below.

No Serious Injuries

Yes, no one wants you to have been hurt worse! But, you have to prove that you’ve suffered significant damages from the accident to make the time and effort of pursuing a claim worth your and your attorney’s while. Only serious physical injuries make a case worth filing. If the injuries are not severe, the defendant will get a chance to file a motion to dismiss the case.


Liability is one of the most important factors that determine whether your Albuquerque personal injury attorney will take your case or not. In most cases, if the liability is not clear, the likelihood of the settlement is lower. If the liability is less clear, the risks are more and finding a personal injury lawyer for your case will become extremely difficult.

The Complexity of the Case

A personal injury case which is more complex in nature demands more time from the personal injury lawyer to come up with the right solution. Moreover, it consumes more time if the case will require several expert witness depositions and party depositions. This results in paying more money to the experts for their valuable time.

Accident and Claim are from Out of State

It is very difficult to find a personal injury firm in Albuquerque if you live out of state. Even though it is possible to coordinate on a lawsuit from afar via video calls, there will be some depositions and court appearances that must be done in person. So, your lawyer will be worried about the additional costs.

Other reasons include,

- Small amount of property damages to make it worth their while.

- Limited resources of the defendant

- Your case involves a novel issue

- Conflict of interest

- Poor rapport with you

- Other attorneys rejected your claim

- Statute of limitations has expired

The author of this article is the leading Albuquerque personal injury attorney with over a decade of experience. In this article, he lists the reason why might a personal injury lawyer decline your personal injury case. Visit https://www.lucerolawoffice.com/ for more information.

Article source: https://article-realm.com/article/Reference-Education/Psychology/2369-Will-Your-Personal-Injury-Lawyer-Turns-Your-Case-Down.html



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