A Spa is a machine designed for fun and relaxation, although it can also be used as a therapeutic instrument, it is mainly used for relaxation. Here are some tips that we must take into account to choose the right Spa: How much electricity does it consume? Depending on the dimensions and technical characteristics, the consumption should be 1.5 kW / h if it is a bathtub with a single pump working. Said consumption increases as the number of pumps increases. Oftentimes, the other appliances of the Spa, such as the heater, increase energy consumption, but, if the tank is of quality, the consumption is managed automatically, deactivating functions that are not necessary when using the hydromassage (heating, filtration, ozonization….).
Acquiring a Spa also means increasing electricity, going from 3 kW to 4.5 kW or 6 kW, depending on the need. The operation of a medium-sized Spa has cost 25 euros per month.
What size?
The dimensions of the Spa are fundamental. The Spa is monobloc, so the logistical component becomes important both due to the dimensions and the weight or load of the bathtub on the floor. Sometimes placing the Spa in the place we want is difficult. If you want to have it inside, you have to be sure that the Spa goes through the doors. In the event that we want to have it outside, it is necessary to be sure of being able to reach the point where we want to place it. It is true that we have delivered a Spa with a helicopter…, but it is not always possible. You may also be interested in esthetician blog
The bigger the bathtub, the more sessions they can have, and more types of massage can be chosen. It is useless to have 6 equal sessions, unless you want to use the Spa by 6 people at the same time, something preferable for public places. In the larger Spas, you can even swim against the current (LA Spas Infit model).
How many nozzles?
The number of nozzles is irrelevant, although it is true that there must be more than once per session. What really counts is that the session has different types of massages, such as a Shiatsu session, a lounger with lymphatic drainage massage, another with a massage for the lower back, etc. (LA Spas Oasis model).
Fan or blower?
The presence of fans or blowers interests us exclusively in the message generated by air, which helps the massage in the water generated by the main pumps. The benefit derived from this type of massage is different from that generated by water, basically scenic. These types of functions are complemented by an aromatherapy diffuser system, making the Spa experience much more pleasant.
The best option that can be expected for the Spa itself is the audio system; some companies even offer video and color therapy systems. We do not recommend the video system as a complement to the Spa. The cost of an LCD or plasma purchased separately is surely cheaper and more efficient.
Warranty and assistance
The smartest purchase consists of choosing a branded product, capable of offering a true guarantee of assistance and repair in case of problems… Like the Porches, which sometimes also go to the mechanic. It is necessary to avoid, if possible, buying products of uncertain origin or excessively cheap. Buying a Spa should be seen as buying a car. Due to its logistical characteristics, changing your mind or realizing that we have not made the right choice can be expensive. In general, branded products have a homogeneous price list and experienced technical support.
Where do I put it?
As a general rule, the Spa is an outdoor item, intended for the garden, the terrace ... It has been conceived to be placed outside. It can be used all year round because the water has a temperature that ranges between 26º and 40º C. It is a true alternative to the pool. It can also be placed indoors. The problem is related to the place since it always depends on logistics, weight, dimensions ... But not only that, the Spa is a machine that produces noise and works with hot water, so it requires minimal control of the humidity.
Before buying a Spa, make sure how much noise it produces, if it vibrates a lot, if it is well insulated if the cover is standard if it has the appropriate thickness, what type of filtrations it has if it has a correct ozone purification system, etc. Check the power of the pumps, which must be 2 hp, guaranteed not only at the power level. The official brands endorse the manufacture of the Spa.
If a Mercedes costs more than a Fiat, it is for a reason. A Spa that consumes more than 4.5 kW is too expensive to maintain and may be indicative of its low quality. Small, low-quality pumps indicate higher consumption, as well as stress, and shorter life.
The filters of the Spa must be of such dimensions that they guarantee an effective filtration. The Sundance cartridge filter is the best in its category, washing with water under pressure. The small Jacuzzi filter can also be washed with water under pressure. The LA Spas Aqua-clean filtration system features machine washable filters. Chlorine is not used in the Spa, but bromine or active oxygen is used. Be careful if they indicate otherwise since chlorine at temperatures above 20º can be harmful to both the user and the structure of the pool.
Article source: https://article-realm.com/article/Sports-Recreation/11603-Guide-to-choosing-a-Spa.html
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