Most people although they know about wisdom teeth, always have doubts if their wisdom tooth needs removal. Wisdom teeth are the very last teeth to erupt in the back of the mouth. These teeth typically appear between the ages of 17 and 21. If wisdom teeth come in correctly, they help and support other teeth with functions like chewing. Most often, wisdom teeth grow impacted or misaligned. However, these molars are something that can be somewhat perplexing based on how late they erupt. In most of the cases, there is no sufficient space for these teeth to erupt in the jaw. To prevent any damages to the adjacent teeth, dentists usually recommend wisdom teeth removed before they turn into a problem. Here are some frequently asked questions and their answers, read further to find out whether you should consider wisdom teeth extraction.
Should I get my wisdom teeth removed?
Wisdom teeth do not always end up requiring removal. In some lucky patients, these teeth develop entirely to become a healthy functioning part of their smile. While in others, wisdom teeth grow partially or fully impacted. Impacted teeth are the ones that are trapped within the tissues of the mouth.
Impacted wisdom teeth can result in some long as well as short term issues. There are chances for bacteria to accumulate and cause infection when a tooth is partially impacted. This can also spread to other teeth, as a result damaging them. If your dentist explains you about your problematic wisdom teeth and suggests wisdom teeth removal you might be a candidate for extraction.
When should I get my wisdom teeth removed?
In the majority of the cases, patients who are in their young age can tolerate wisdom teeth surgery better and heal faster compared to the ones who are older. Undergoing wisdom teeth removal at an early stage can prevent some potential complications in the future. Also, it is easier to remove the wisdom teeth before its roots are fully developed as it reduces the chances of nerve damage.
How are wisdom teeth removed and how much does it cost?
Wisdom teeth removal depends completely on whether your tooth is impacted or not. To remove an impacted wisdom tooth, the dentist would create an incision in the gums, remove the tissues covering the tooth and then remove the wisdom tooth. In some cases, in order to avoid damage to the surrounding structures, your dentist may extract the teeth in sections. Simple wisdom tooth removal does not involve any incision that your dentist will remove your wisdom teeth like any other healthy teeth.
Wisdom teeth removal cost Sydney entirely depends on the type of procedure required, yet it is a very affordable surgical procedure.
The author is a dentist. With a team of professionals, he offers safe, gentle and efficient wisdom teeth removal. By concentrating on the specific aspect of dental health, they have become extremely experienced in the field. Visit
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