How to Stay Awake While Feeling Sleepy?

by Jesan Kelly on Jun 14, 2022 Sports & Recreation 244 Views

Sleepiness often comes unannounced, especially when you have long pending work. Not only is it hard to fight that sweet feeling of sleepiness, but it also makes us extremely unproductive. There are several ways to stay awake and ward off that sleepy feeling. These tips will help you fight sleepiness and stay active for a long time.

Get a minimum of 8 hours of sleep

Let’s address the most common issue here- lack of adequate sleep. In this fast-paced world, rarely does anyone have the time to get into their bed on time and finish their regular 8 hours of sleep. However, you cannot fight that feeling of sleepiness unless you give your body the much-needed sleep it strives for.

Therefore, make sure to schedule your sleep properly so that you won’t have to doze off at work the next day.

Take breaks frequently

A human can concentrate at their fullest for up to 35 minutes and then their mind begins to seek rest. We understand, that working in an extremely competitive space is challenging and require our constant attention, but our brain has a limit.

Take frequent breaks whenever necessary, let’s say around 10-15 minutes every 1 hour. This will give our brains some rest and more time to focus.

Take caffeine

Caffeine is the most delicious and inexpensive way to boost alertness. It is a natural stimulant that boosts energy and makes you more focused. If you are tired of coffee, you can try other beverages such as energy drinks, tea, hot chocolate, and caffeinated soda.

However, taking caffeine regularly can make you dependent on it, and soon you will be needing more to achieve the same level of alertness. Besides, overconsumption of caffeine makes you feel jittery and nervous, leading to a caffeine crash where your body will collapse and you end up sleeping for hours.

Get a Nap

Power naps work, especially when you are fighting your life out to stay awake. Most people fight for hours to stay awake, but a small nap of 5 minutes can do the trick. When you wake up, you will feel refreshed and the feeling of sleepiness will be gone for a long time.

Studies show that naps are also helpful in improving your memory and learning process. That’s why you will see many societies that promote midday rest in their daily routines. Experts believe that a nap of 15-20 minutes is enough to get you back on the game. However, if even hours of naps are not doing anything for you, you may be suffering from daytime sleepiness or narcolepsy.

Use medications

If you have tried everything, yet are fighting to stay awake, then you can try some medicines called stimulants such as Waklert (Armodafinil).

Buy Waklert Australia is used for treating excessive daytime sleepiness. It is known to improve wakefulness and reduce the tendency to fall asleep during the day, thus, restoring your usual sleep cycle. The best part is that, unlike caffeine, Waklert does not give you jitters or make you dependent on it. Also, you don’t have to take it every couple of hours. A dose of waklert can keep you alert for up to 8-10 hours.

It’s wrong and dangerous to assume that you can consume Waklert if you have been experiencing excess sleepiness. There are certain usage restrictions. The drug should not be used by patients under those conditions. In case you are not sure, ask your doctor before you start taking the medication. It will help you keep off from its negative side effects for sure. Also, make sure to buy the drug from a reputed online store only.

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