How to apply the elastic adhesive bandage?

Elastic adhesive bandages are extremely popular as one of the most prominent types of athletic tape. These are readily available in the market, and you can find one at the sports wholesale. Physiotherapists have often recommended using these elastic adhesive bandages to ensure faster recovery of the wounds.

What is elastic adhesive bandage?

The elastic adhesive bandages are a type of fabric tape having an adhesive backing. Made of a mix of cotton and elastic, this is usually coated with a latex-based adhesive or acrylic. Elastic bandages can be easily stretched and wrapped around the hands for better coverage. The stretch of these bands, however, will vary significantly depending on the brand. The more expensive Athletic Tapes tend to have more stretch, but there may be exceptions in certain cases.

Why is it used?

It is clear from the name that these adhesive bandages are used as bandages but mostly for medical usage. The bandage is mostly used for treating soft tissue injuries. The applied bandage offers compression and support, thereby ensuring the proper flow of blood. This also contributes a lot towards reducing swelling and treats the affected area.

Being an adhesive tape it directly joins that of the skin. Therefore, this is not like any traditional bandage, so you won't need any external pin or tape to keep the bandage stuck on your skin. Also, it is necessary that it offers maximum support to the vulnerable areas. As a result, they can be easily used as a utility tape in rugby to ensure proper strapping.

How should you apply these elastic adhesive bandages?

The elastic adhesive bandages are easily available for sports wholesale. As a result, you can check any store to find the best one. Applying Elastic Adhesive Bandage aren't tough. They can be easily applied. The steps to be followed include the following

● Get the skin ready

Before applying the adhesive tape in your skin, you need to ensure that you have cleaned and dried your skin. As a thoroughly wash it and dry it. Nonetheless, it would help if you stayed away from using different moisturizers and creams. These tapes, being heavy, are better than the lighter tapes. Many people also use foam under wrap to apply these.

● Use the right size

The adhesive tapes are available in different sizes, ranging from 2.5-7cm. You can split these adhesive tapes. Therefore, it is necessary that you choose the right size, depending on the size of your hands and fingers. If you are to apply these around your wrist, you should be choosing a 5cm tape.

● Apply safely

Since it is a compression bandage, you need to ensure that you are careful enough with the tightness. Also, you can stretch it effectively so that compression can be appropriate.

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