Common Sports Injuries

by Jonathan Lagrange on Aug 10, 2021 Sports & Recreation 359 Views


Being active and participating in sports plays a significant role in leading a healthy and active lifestyle. It’s good for respiration, heart health, and building and maintaining muscular strength. However, people move in the wrong ways and play wrongly, resulting in sports injuries. Some even trip and fall while playing. Sports injuries are inevitable. Yes, no matter how careful you are, you might get injured at some point in your life. That said, the risk of injury shouldn’t deter you from playing sports. By knowing the most common sports common injuries and their causes, you could make informed decisions and prevent them from happening.

Here are the most common sports injuries that you might encounter:-


Strains are one of the most common sports injuries that every individual who’s active in sports will encounter. Since you use many muscles and tendons when playing or working out, those parts are vulnerable to stretching farther than they should or moving the ways they shouldn’t, leaving them damaged, torn, and pain. Pulled groin muscles, hamstrings, and strained quads are some of the common muscle strains. Most muscle strains are minor and naturally on their own, while some require sports physio Greenfield to heal. Warming and stretching before playing or working out are one of the best ways to reduce and prevent the risk of straining your muscles.


While strains affect muscles, sprains injure the ligaments. Ligaments are soft tissue that connects from one bone to another. When these ligaments are twisted or turned in the opposite direction or wrong way, they can tear. This condition is called ligament tear. Among all other sprains, an ankle sprain is the most common one that takes a longer time to heal and sometimes require bed rest to protect it from further injury. In severed sprains, sports physiotherapy Greenfield exercises can help you recover and back on your foot soon.

Knee Injuries

The Knee is a very complicated part of the body that is comprised of a lot of tissues, ligaments, and bones. In fact, the knee endures a lot of impacts and get injured when playing sports or even when walking as you trip and fall. ACL injuries, dislocation, and fractures are some of the most common knee injuries. Good posture, following the right playing techniques, warm-ups, and stretches can help prevent knee injuries.

Tennis Elbow

It is one of the common sports injuries, and it one of several injuries of repetition. In short, it is the straining of the ligaments in the elbow due to repetitive activity and overuse. Take breaks and warm up before and while playing.

Shin Splints

Shin splints are an inflammation of the muscles in the lower leg caused by repeated stress and high impacts of dodging, quick starts, and stops. This type of injury is common among joggers, soccer, athletes, and basket players.

Are you injured when playing? Sports physio and hydrotherapy pool Greenfield treatment can help you recover faster and restore mobility. Please schedule an appointment with our physiotherapist for a consultation.

The author is specialised in sports physio Greenfield. With advanced physiotherapy techniques and evidence-based care, he diagnoses, treat, and prevent a range of health conditions. Visit for more details.

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